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What is The IkonShop?

We are a full-scale web3 shopping marketplace. Our hope is that we have created a site that will give you a familiar online shopping experience with the ability to browse products, read product descriptions, and have an easy & secure checkout. For merchants, we wanted to create a way for you to use the power of blockchain technology to sell your products/services.

Where did the idea come from?

We identified a problem in web3. Projects had to use web2 platforms, such as Shopify, to sell their products & services. The sites that were built on a blockchain were often merch-only or offered a limited catalog of available products. We wanted to create a site that offered these web3 merchants on-chain transactions, implemented metadata, token-gating, & USDC, SOL, & SPL token acceptance while also allowing them to sell pretty much anything they can dream up.

Who can sell on the IkonShop?

Anyone. We built The IkonShop with the web3 world in mind, but also made it so that it’s an easy transition - even for web3 newcomers - to what we call “web3commerce.” Projects, businesses, and individuals can all sell their products & services - IRL or digital - on The IkonShop. We have free consultations with our founder - Kruz - to help you set up your storefront & discuss everything we have to offer.

What are your plans for the future?

Many months of planning, coding, and idea execution have gone into The IkonShop so far. Currently we have our limited access beta site open to only holders of the special token. Once our beta site is functioning to the highest of its potential, we will announce our public launch. We will continue to onboard the web3 world and build our merchant & consumer base. Once we gain even more traction, our goal is to start onboarding web2 businesses & individuals who are interested in selling with the power of blockchain technology. We will also continue to roll out new features for merchants as well as for consumers.

Is there an NFT collection connected to The IkonShop?

Yes! We will be launching our NFT collection after The IkonShop is up and running to the public. We want to have our product out there so people can see the value they get by owning one or more of our NFTs. The Ikons NFT collection pays homage to the styles & accessories of the 70’s, 80’s, & 90’s. Our Ikons brand overall has these same nostalgic vibes. Our artist is the very talented Ricci. She lives & works in Ukraine. She began working on our collection back in January, and vowed to finish it even after the war started in her country. Ricci completed all of the artwork through the toughest of times and has been an inspiration to our team.

How To Use

  • Connect Wallet
  • Browse products or search for specifics
  • Checkout, Pay with USDC, SOL, or SPL tokens
  • Info on TipJar, Pay Request & how to use
  • How to set up a Storefront
  • How to use the Dashboard & what features are available right now

Rewards (Contribute to Earn)

  • Summarize our community content & share on social media - 0.05 SOL (1x per week)
  • Host any Event in Discord with guidelines (reach out to the Core Team for details) - 0.15 SOL (5x per week)
  • Invite 10 new verified members - .05 SOL (1x per week)
  • Create a guide on how people can use The IkonShop (video walk thru, tweet thread, Google Doc) - 0.10 SOL (1x per week)
  • Deep dive analysis & share on social media - 0.15 SOL (2x per week)
  • Compile quality resources & add to our community/discord (educational material) - 0.10 SOL (3x per week, different resources)
  • Onboard projects/businesses/individuals to set up a storefront on The IkonShop - 1 SOL (capped at 10 SOL max per person)
  • Share updates/developments for The IkonShop on social media (must be organic or quote tweets tagging @ikonsofSol - RTs & likes don't count) - 0.10 SOL (2x per week)
  • Identify a bug & reporting it to the team with screenshots - 0.10 SOL (5x per week)

2024© IkonShop v0.117.3. All Rights Reserved.

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